Welcome to greenbunny670's Silly Corner!

Hello my names greenbunny670 you may also refer to me as "bunny" for short, I enjoy video games and books and many other things, this website was my friends idea, I will update the site sometimes but not often as I am forgetful, I will also not do well punctuating or spelling just cause I never got the hang of that stuff, to ring off basics I'll start with shout outs I guess, My friends twitch!, for now thats all, now I think a list of what I'll have here on my site is in order:

For fun heres an image of Hello Kitty:

Before I continue I'd like to state that most the times I work on this site I will probably be pulling all-nighter's listening to CDs, that aside I believe that it's time to start talking about fun stuff that ill break up into bolded sections, section titles will appear like this, I am only making this site for fun so I wont put to much time into it, so I guess thats about it for this odd opening so without further ado STUFF!


Well to start off more about me I think I should restate what I go by on the internet and everything, I go by greenbunny670 or greenbunny89 or greenbunny67 or greenbunny7 usually though I go by greenbunny670 or greenbunny89, my friends sometimes call me Bunny as a nickname, the name came about originally when I was little as greenbunny7 as my first roblox username, obviously now its kinda stuck but with other numbers, so for now please call me Bunny because I like to believe we are all friends here!

Now to continue on, I am 15, but next quick topic just random small facts about me I guess, I dislike loud noises, I love playing games, I enjoy eating food and occasionally trying new foods, I love exploring, and I love collecting things! For now this is all I've got about me. If you would like to reach out you can find me on this discord server greenbunny670s silly corner or at my email (not added yet) out of those 2 avenues I'm easier to catch on discord, thats about all I've got for contacting me.


So I play lots of games, I enjoy more of the open world games but I also play other games, I kinda play whatever, to start though I think I should list what console's I play on.

Those are the console's I play on, I very much enjoy games like Assassins Creed, GTA, Far Cry, and the Tom Clancy game's, I'm big into the free exploration open world games because the combat is more fun in my opinion and the exploration makes me happy as I can explore and see these beautiful locations, I don't currently have much to put out about games or my progress in them but I will attempt to keep anyone who decide's to frequent updated via updating my site when I can!


So I read lots of book's especially one's like Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, and the occasional manga I'm currently reading Komi Can't Communicate, I'm very much enjoying Komi Can't Communicate because I really relate to the character's and it's very fun to read, I relate most with Komi because I also have social anciety, I currently have 4 volumes of the series once I finish those I'll be getting most likely 1-2 more volumes as to my parents reading is very important so they will get me books I enjoy and will read, which Komi Can't Communicate also has an anime which I'll watch after reading the series, I very much enjoy reading manga though, it's very interesting though to read about the fictional adventures of Komi, as I said because i relate to Komi a lot. Now about Ghost Recon I believe there's 4 book's and I have 3 of them and am in the process of reading book 3, I really enjoy the combat and reading about the tactics in the book, as I read though I will keep this section updated.


So I currently read nothing thats actively being written, the 2 series I had been reading ended, one had been going since 2018 and was about Captain America and one was about X-Force, they both ended recently, I dont have much else to add for now, so will add to later.